Bonnaroo Lifestyle: Planet Roo

Opportunities to learn and relax stretched to yoga and dance classes and a healthy organic meal at the Planet Roo Cafe. On-site, Jenny Leigh lead a Move Ya Brass fitness movement with a “TWERK-OUT” class. The movement was created after founder Robin Barnes faced health struggles and vowed to take better care of herself with the same strength, resilience and passion she has for her hometown, New Orleans. However, Barnes didn’t want to do the new journey alone, so she put a call out on social media for fans to “move” alongside. Ergo, Move Ya Brass was born.

Thomas Nguyen

A Native New Orleanian, Thomas joined the Move Ya Brass Krewe in the second week of its inception and has helped the group with its administrative functions ever since.  Thomas’ drive to exercise stemmed from his own battle with Type-2 Diabetes, which drove him to run more and participate in many races & half marathons throughout the city.