Now that the weather is getting colder, should you still workout outside?
I am so used to the heat and humidity of this city, especially working out outside. I’m going to push through that hesitation this year and here’s why:
What are the benefits to working out in the cold?
You will burn more calories.
As the body works harder to regulate its core temperature among the elements, you'll burn a few more calories during your wintry workout compared to one conducted indoors. Let’s get more out of all this workout.
You will feel happier and more energized.
All exercise can increase your levels of those feel-good hormones, endorphins," says Kevin Plancher, M.D., head of Plancher Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine in New York City. "But because your body has to work harder in the cold, your endorphin production is boosted even more, leading to a happier state of mind."
You will get more Vitamin D.
Getting exposure to more natural light is a known depression fighter, especially for seasonal depression. Who needs daylight savings anymore, right?! Ha. Having our days shorter really affects our morale.
So dress warm, put on your sunscreen, hydrate and most importantly do your warm up and cool down exercises. Set you and your body up for success to power through these cold days.
You got this! :)
-Robin Barnes