Why Affirmations

by A.J. BienAime

We hear a lot of people in the wellness community promote, and live by, affirmations. But why? Affirmations are encouraging, optimistic phrases, that help stop negative thoughts right in their tracks! Your thoughts are a wealth of power and so are your words. What you think, is what you are, and what you say comes to pass. Why not think and speak the most powerful words?

Affirmations help manage stress, anxiety, worry, and anger before they manage you. 

When repeated consistently they release you from a downward spiral of negative thoughts and ultimately shift your pattern of thinking, creating a foundation of a better mindset. 

Generally speaking, affirmations are used to reprogram the subconscious mind. The Subconscious mind is your data bank for everything. It stores your past experiences, fears, beliefs, and skills. It makes up around 95% of your brainpower and handles everything your body needs to function properly. Most importantly your subconscious is your guidance system. 

To truly practice affirmations, you can’t just simply say them. They aren’t magic words that change your life in a snap. You have to feel and believe them, and that certainly takes practice! Here are three ways to help strengthen YOUR affirmations: 

  1. Write Down Your Affirmations. I love using sticky notes and writing them on my bathroom mirror. This is the first crucial step towards keeping the practice active and top of mind.  

  2. Speak and use your affirmations daily. Recite them in the mirror. Whenever the negative self-talk pops up, replace them with your affirmations. Record them and play them while you meditate or sleep. 

Keep your affirmations active by using the present tense. Start your affirmations with I AM. Make them declaration statements of what you are. Take that negative thought and declare it into a positive.
