- How did you become part of MYB?
I became part of MYB by going out on a limb! I literally just showed up at a shakeout run. MYB became my motivation which led to me setting goals. The diversity of levels within our krewe and the family atmosphere has been what has kept me going! With working out, I realized that I have hard days and even harder days, but the key has been to just get there and to just show up! - When did you start walking/running?
I have always walked here and there, but started trying to run in November. I began my journey to getting fit and I was looking to shake things up in my life. I wanted to be more active. I have never been athletic and I literally have not run since high school. Running has been a great distraction from the rest of this thing called life! MYB has been my motivation and the start of me setting jogging goals. I am a planner by nature. I made a plan, set goals with dates and have been sticking to it. I realized that this is one plan I have complete control over! - What is your favorite post race/cheat meal?
Definitely PASTA! With crawfish or shrimp! - If you could have one super power, what would it be & why?
It would be superhuman endurance! The endurance to get things done on time! I'm typically an "all over the place" person, so the endurance to juggle work, grade papers, write papers quickly, be better at cooking and quickly finish cleaning would be amazing! Oh! And of course to have the endurance to get through my exercises and races with a breeze would be fabulous! - If you could run with any celebrity, who would you choose?
ichelle Obama. I feel like she would be fun and cool to hangout with. Plus she can give me some tips on how to juggle life while be an amazing woman, wife and mother!