- How did you become part of MYB?
I found MYB on Instagram and I immediately was drawn to the story of its inception. - When did you start walking/running?
I went out for Cross Country in HS after, no kidding, I watched Forrest Gump for the first time and I thought, I could do that. I happened to be pretty good. - What is your favorite post race/cheat meal?
In the form of a liquid diet, nothing beats a cold, well earned beer, or two. - If you could have one super power what would it be and why?
Flying of course. I think people that run a lot of miles truly have a desire to fly. - If you could run with any celebrity who would you choose and why?
I am intrigued by successful, giving CEOs and Howard Shultz, the CEO of Starbucks is on the top of my list.